Links 5: Articles to Read for Parents and Educators

Welcome to our link up series, April Links: Articles to Read for Parents and Educators. This is the fourth installment in a series where I share what I’ve come across on the internet lately of interest to parents and educators alike.

links to read for parents and educators

First, the Zen Teacher addresses burnout – why it happens, and what to do about it. His strategy on how to deal is brilliant yet oh so simple.

Next, we’ll discover the speech scientists who are creating real voices for those without one. Computerized voices are no longer the only option!
Finally, we discuss social and emotional learning. We will learn why it should be attended to in schools, and how children grow as a result.

Focus on the Margins in your Life to Replenish Your Soul

Whether you are a parent, SLP, or teacher – your title requires a lot of yourself. Our lives are often overscheduled and undernourished. It’s crucial to carve out time to just be, so that we have enough of ourselves left to give to our children and students.

The Zen Teacher, Dan Tricario, uses the analogy of margins on paper with the margins (aka boundaries) we set in our lives. Just setting a little time each week for yourself for simple enjoyment is all it takes. A morning at the coffeeshop, hot brew and buttered croissant, unrushed…it’s the small things in life!

Assistive Technology Users: Ditching the Digital Voice for  a Unique One

A huge drawback of many voice output devices is that they sound robotic. Children may be reluctant to use them because it makes them stand out from their peers. Fortunately, this dilemma  is being solved with innovative technology.

VocaliD, a Boston based company, mixes donor voice recordings with the client’s vocalizations. The new creation results in a voice unique to that person!

Social and Emotional Learning: Opportunities for Growth Beyond Academics

We all know there is much more to the school experience than academic achievements. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an important piece of the puzzle. Areas of SEL, such as self help and relationship skills, are non-negotiable. These are lifelong skills! That’s why it’s important to foster a learning environment conducive to their growth.

Through SEL, children experience positive changes in school, themselves, and peer interactions. When taught in schools, behavioral problems are reduced, along with depression and stress. Of course, the challenge is then how to add it into an already packed school day.

This article give tips on how to teach SEL skills at home as well.

Links 4: Articles to Read for Parents and Educators Wrap Up

I hope you found something useful in this month’s link up series. Personally, I am trying to get better at setting some time each week for simple pleasures. If you have ever experienced burnout (who hasn’t?), I urge you to put those “margins” to use.

We also learned about new technology within the realm of speech and language. Real voices for those who cannot speak is a step towards freedom. It breaks the barrier that comes with using a computerized voice, and that is truly exciting.

Finally, we talked a bit about the benefits of social and emotional learning in the classroom. I’m sure you’ll agree that SEL skills are critical for school success. Children will become more efficient at understanding themselves and their peers as they understand their own emotions. This is important now even more than ever.