Links 3: Articles to Read For Parents and Educators

Welcome to another installment of our link up series Links 3: Articles to Read for Parents and Educators. This is a round up of articles or blog posts I hope are helpful, informative and engaging. This is the third in the series.

Links: Articles to Read For Parents and Educators

articles to read for parents and educators

This month, you’ll learn if you should wait to have your toddler evaluated for speech and language (spoiler alert: don’t wait!).

You’ll also learn about new research on toddlers and tablet use. It suggests using apps collaboratively with young children, instead of in solo play. The use of technology (especially for young children) is still a new horizon. So when something new comes out, I’ll try to share it here.

Our final read discusses how to choose the right book for the right age range. Sometimes parents tell me “my child isn’t interested in books!” It’s true, sometimes young children seem like they aren’t interested in books at all. But in some cases, we (as adults) aren’t choosing the right books for kids. The final recommended article is an easy read that will summarize how to find the right book for the right age group. Interest and engagement are key, and these tips will help!

1. Late Talker or Not: Why it’s Risky to Play the Waiting Game

Are you wondering if your child’s language skills measure up to those of his or her peers?

Do you wonder if your child is just a late bloomer or needs speech and language therapy?

The best way to answer this question is to consult a speech-language pathologist (SLP). The good news is that children who might not be “on target” often can and will progress – with the right supports.

The Hanen Centre offers a solid overview of this topic. This article discusses the likelihood of a child becoming a late talker. You will also find out what’s common and what is not, and why it’s a bad idea to wait and see if your child grows out of it.

2. Using Apps for Toddlers: Let’s Sit Together and Learn!

It seems impossible to avoid technology these days. Luckily, parents don’t have to, as long as they involve themselves in the activity. Research suggests that children learn skills faster when watching an adult perform a task. This holds true even for high-tech devices equipped with demonstrations. Children are also more likely to use the learned skill in real life when it’s learned with an adult (instead of solo).

3. An Easy Guide to Finding Books Your Child Loves

Can’t find books that will hold your child’s attention? Don’t fret, the Reading Rockets Guide has you covered. This quick read will tell you what to look for to find the perfect book for your child’s age. The guide starts with birth and continues to the third grade. Of course, it’s also useful for parents of children who may not be at the same reading level as their peers. Check out a guide, and choose a book that is best for your child (or student).